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Data Protection (GDPR)

What is it?

GDPR came into force on 25 May 2018.

GDPR is an EU – wide regulation that, among other things, aims to give individuals control of their personal data. Its requirements affect all organisations storing personal data – and that includes Churches and Voluntary Organisations.

Organisations storing personal data already have obligations under current data protection laws. GDPR formalises and extends these. There will now be a legal basis for storing personal data which, in many (though not all) cases, will require the explicit permission of an individual.

What does it mean for me?

Individuals now have the right:

  • to know what data is being stored about them and for what purpose,
  • to examine any data stored about them and withdraw permission for its storage at any time,
  • to have personal data stored safely and securely and not shared with any third party without explicit permission.

How does it affect my Church?

Every organisation to which you belong or to whom you have given your personal information must have your permission to hold that data. Some large organisations like the NHS or Apple have already got that permission through the manner in which you gave your information to them originally. Others, like the Church, must get your explicit permission now.

What do I need to do?

To allow us to continue to hold your name, address and contact details and use them to contact you in any way it is necessary for you to fill in a consent form confirming which bits of your personal information you are happy for us to keep and how you would like us to use it.

Consent Forms will be issued to all members and adherents during June 2018 and a record kept by a liaison person within each church.

The Consent Forms refer to a Privacy Policy/Notice on the Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes – our Governing Body – website.

Some information about certain individuals is stored on our website so that it can operate properly. The security of that is warranted by ThenMedia, the company that operates our website. View ThenMedia's privacy notice.

If you encounter any problems please contact the Circuit Administrator on 07842 478693 or by email:

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NN16 0DH

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