Dear Friends,
Thank you for the conversations we held at 'Chat after worship' earlier, and for the emails and phone messages. It is always good to hear from you.
There was been a pre-announcement announcement that the Government will, on Tuesday, give guidance on the re-opening of place of worship for private prayer. This is a hopeful sign. I wish you to know that we have already commenced the cleaning of church premises, completed weekly building checks, and prepared entry/exit points where you can clean your hands and sign in/out. Many details still need to considered before we are able to open even for a few people for private prayer. I assure you that the Circuit Leadership and I will take all actions with your safety foremost in our minds. Just because we can does not mean that we will open every church. Please hold Stewards and Staff (and me) in your prayers as we seek to discern what will be an appropriate course of action.
Two items from The Rice's Home today:
Philip has recorded our thought for this day:
Thank you Philip for your continuing energy to prepare these videos. We note the new presentation format; very professional it is too.
Carolyn joined a choir for the Big Church Sing yesterday to remind us of the work of All We Can.
You can watch the whole thing, or just select the Everlasting Arms link
And... if you can... make a donation to All We Can.
The Big Church Sing
Everlasting Arms
Registered Charity no. 1135378