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Methodist Circuit

Thought for the Day 24th July

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Dear Friends,

I have pleasure in sharing with you a short service I have recorded entitled 'God of Joy'. I hope it lifts your spirits on the day when were are now asked to cover our faces when we meet others.

There are two hymns/chants. These are included in the video playlist and noted on the printed sheet. 'Jubilate Deo, Alleluia' means 'be joyful in the Lord'. During second video (after Jubilate) you are encouraged to be quiet for a period. You can always press the pause button if you need more time than I have left on the video. The service ends with 'You shall go out with joy'.

The link is:
The order of service is attached for printing, if you prefer this.

Some news regarding Rev. Noel. We have started to hold near daily conversations with him. Travelling even within UK is not easy. You can imagine that moving your whole family across the world is an even greater challenge. The family are required to have biometric tests before their VISAs are issued, and only then can the book a flight. Their tests are arranged for mid-August and the results will take a week or so to be received. We are now thinking of an arrival date of early September followed by two weeks quarantine. It will be October before Noel will be fully in-post. Thankfully, his replacement at Chemhanza is able to delay their arrival until Noel is able to leave Zimbabwe. He remains most cheerful and longing to be with us. Please just hold him and his family in your prayers.

We haven't held any Church Councils/Annual Meetings for some time. We will plan to hold these in September for the purposes of electing the Church Council, Stewards, and other appointments. These should be short meetings. Then in October we will hold further meetings to discuss mission, outreach, etc. If we can, we will try and meet in church. Video conferencing /Zoom might remain the best option. A case of 'watch this space'.

"Enough", you cry. Yes, I agree. Let's remain joyful, hopeful, prayerful, happy, glad, and move with steps of confidence knowing that Christ is with us! Alleluia.

Have a blessed day,

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