Dear friends,
Here is the second instalment of 'Thy Kingdom Come'.
The second Prayer Diary sheet is attached.
Don & Jenny Spooner (Worship Leaders at Central Methodist Church, Kettering) have prepared their thoughts to accompany the 'Praise' theme. You can view this via:
We thank Don & Jenny for the time and love they have given in making this video. A fabulous first attempt. We have had some 'fun' and laughter trying to transfer between phone, laptop, then phone and laptop. How blessed we are to have access to this technology.
Please accept my apologies if you were anticipating a video from Rev. Neil Clarke. Neil's insights will be shared with tomorrow's theme. My fault. Please can I claim that it was too hot yesterday to think clearly. We are reminded that 'love keeps no record of wrong'.
Please do call email or call me if you are having difficulties accessing these the diary sheets or video. It is always good to speak with you.
Best wishes, Andrew
Registered Charity no. 1135378