Dear friends,
On this Ascension Day, may your hearts and minds be raised to a strengthened relationship with Jesus Christ, our ascended Lord.
There is a slightly different pattern for the next 11 days. We are following 'Thy Kingdom Come'. This is an annual world-wide event for the days between Ascension and Pentecost. The 'Thoughts for the Day' will enable you to write a prayer journal. You will be aided by contributions made from across the Circuit and the ecumenical team of St Giles Church, Desborough.
What do you need to do? This is easy; think of 5 people who you know who might just value knowing something of the faith that you hold, or just focus upon your own faith and how that might be strengthened.
Attached is the full prayer diary produced for this year. Normally we would give you a printed copy. This is not possible at this time. You don't need to print the full-colour version – see 2. below.
The Introduction and the first Day sheet. You will receive Day 2 tomorrow, and so on.
This is in A4 black/white format and should be easier to read and print.
To aid you thoughts, there is a short video. I have prepared this for today. Rev. Neil Clarke will lead tomorrow.
Please follow this link:
Try and note your thoughts and feelings. You will add to these day by day.
Please read/print the daily sheet (2) and watch the video link (3) and then note your thoughts (4)
For children, there is an all-age family activity page. Please follow this link.
On Sunday 24th May our worship will be prepared by Kate Horrix. This is also Aldersgate Day. At Pentecost (Sunday 31st May) we aim to have worship led by the many contributors to the Daily Thoughts.
Do not fear. We will 'get into the flow' of this and in 11 days we will return to the new-normal pattern.
Please phone or email if you are struggling to follow this or simply want to have a chat. It is always lovely to hear from you.
We give thanks to all those who have helped bring this together.
May the Lord bless you, always.
Registered Charity no. 1135378