Dear friends,
Good morning on this beautiful new day.
After a few weeks break, we are returning to a pattern of daily thoughts.
Sandra Collins has prepared todays'. Please see the attached document. Thank you Sandra. I have included a link to YouTube for a version of the hymn.
For Wednesday-Friday I will share with you videos prepared by Rev'd Hannah Jeffery, Sophies Cowan and myself on the theme 'The God of surprises'. Next week we have series of thoughts relating to a harvest theme.
Worship this Sunday is at Central (Caroline Barratt) and Rothwell (Pat Basson). Please do reserve a seat with Fiona. Her email address is This is included in the header of this message. By reserving a seat you are aiding our 'track and trace' and helping us to correctly prepare the chapels. It would be lovely if we had all of your requests by Friday evening.
Best wishes, Andrew
Registered Charity no. 1135378