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Methodist Circuit

Thought for the Day 14th October

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and can it be

Dear friends in Christ,

Rev. Neil Clarke has established a revised pattern of 'Daily Thoughts' to incorporate a 'Hymn of Day' theme. Inspired by this, I share with you my thoughts and reflections on the great Wesleyan Methodist anthem 'And can it be..?' including a recording made at Wesley Chapel, London. Be prepared to turn up the volume and sing your heart out.

Worship this Sunday – 18th October 2020.

Our cup overflows with goodness from God .... For this Sunday we formally welcome Rev. Noel and this family into this Circuit. Worship, led by Rev. Helen Cameron, Chair of the Northampton Methodist District will take place at Central – Kettering. Normally we would want as many as possible to attend, and have a good bun feast afterwards. You will appreciate that this is simply not possible at this time. We have invited a diverse representation to reflect the rich variety of life found in this Circuit. Each church is being represented. The church will be full. Indeed it is already full. All the limited seats have been reserved. This will be a great disappointment, however we intend to both record the service and to try to live stream it. The recording will be made available later on Sunday.

I know that you would wish to welcome Noel. To enable you to do this, we are planning a mid-afternoon virtual tea party – at 3 p.m. – 4 p.m.

The links for all of these will be sent to you later in the week.

Please pray for the Circuit Meeting this evening. We have some very pastorally sensitive decisions to take concerning the life of this Circuit. Cottingham and Burton Latimer are of particular concern. Your prayer will be appreciated. "When we walk with the Lord, in the light of His word, what a glory he sheds on our way". Trust, and obey for there is no other way".

I am taking Thursday, Friday and Saturday as days off. Yes, I will preparing for Sunday, but letting go of all other tasks. Please will you contact Rev. Noel in cases of urgent need.

Every blessing,

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NN16 0DH

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