Dear Friends,
We have reached the final day of this years' Thy Kingdom Come' and trust that you have found it to be of inspiration and comfort. I wish to acknowledge that Fiona has typed the daily sheets. For this, we say 'thank you'. Likewise we are very grateful to all who have contributed in any way – including todays dramatised bible reading.
The enclose the last sheet for your Prayer Journal and the full colour version of the whole booklet.
This being Sunday, the 'video' take the forms of an act of worship:
A printed Order of Service is attached (Pentecost 20).
For children:
you may need to scroll down the page to the Day 11 clip.
And.... be prepared to join with friends from around the Circuit, as Fiona & I will host a virtual coffee morning on Sunday 31st May at 10.30. – 11.30 a.m. Please do try and join for whatever time works for you. Alas, you need to provide your own beverages and biscuits.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 642 703 8726
Password: 4316
Look forward to seeing you soon,
Registered Charity no. 1135378