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Methodist Circuit

Sunday Worship 19th July

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Dear friends,

We have the privilege of Kate and Peter Horrix leading worship for us on Sunday 19th July. Text for the service and a copy of the sermon is enclosed. Videos of the hymns, reading, and sermon can be found at :

Thank you Kate and Peter for your time and preparation.

As lockdown eases, we are able to offer times of when we can meet for worship and fellowship. I am pleased to report that both Central and Rothwell Meth. Church Councils have voted to open regularly for worship. Alternating between the two, we plan at have at least one of the Circuit Churches open for worship each Sunday. St Giles Church is also reaching the point of establishing a pattern of regular worship.

I anticipate that within this coming week you will receive a 'Preaching Plan'.
Central will be open for worship on Sunday 26th July at 10.30. You do need to reserve a seat in advance. Please contact Fiona Farrington, Circuit Administrator by email at

Concern remains for the reported higher-level of Covid-19 in this area. We will always place your safety and well-being as our priority. If necessary, we will suspend worship in churches. In any event, you will continue to receive Daily Thoughts and Sunday Worship by email.

Every best wish,

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Kettering & Corby Methodist Circuit

School Lane
NN16 0DH

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Making Jesus Known