Dear friends,
Thank you following the 'Thoughts for the Day' slots. We are coming to the triumphant end of the 'Footsteps of Christ' series. In coming days we will have daily contributions from Local Preacher and Worship Leaders.
I attach:
Footsteps of Christ (Day 11) – for today – Holy Saturday.
Celebration worship for Easter Sunday prepared by Maureen Ownsworth. We thought that it would be acceptable to have a longer service this day. It might be good if as many as are able could start at 10 .a.m. thus bringing a sense of community. See also 3., below.
Holy Communion for Easter Sunday (led by myself) – this is designed to be seen during Maureen's service or it can be played separately. Please follow this link:
The link may not work until tomorrow.
May you enjoy this day and rejoice in the wonders of creation which surround us.
Registered Charity no. 1135378