Reopening of Cornerstone Church
Cornerstone Church re-opened today for the first time since March 16th to hold a coffee morning. The Church was duly marked out in accordance with Government requirements to ensure safe distancing, with the tables being used to ensure distancing between different 'bubbles' of people, all of whom had sanitised before entering the church. All tables and chairs had been pre-cleaned by Wendy and Michael Curtis and the cleaner and will be cleaned again thoroughly following the event.
Thirteen people attended the event which was generally enjoyed by all. Whilst it was nothing like the normal coffee morning where cakes are consumed, it was at last an opportunity for old friends from the congregation to meet up. Our minister, Andrew Farrington and his wife Fiona also attended to see how we got on.
At the end of the gathering the potential opening of the Church for services was discussed and a provisional opening date of early October pencilled in. This date and a further Coffee Morning date in early September are very much dependent upon the availability of resource within the Circuit and the local situation around Covid. Nonetheless it was wonderful to see so many friendly faces and very encouraging to hear that we may soon be heading back – however warily – towards our normal state.
Our thanks to Wendy and Michael in particular for their hard work in organising today. Please do let Wendy know if you are interested in attending the next Coffee Morning in early September as places are limited and it is important that you book your place as early as possible.
Registered Charity no. 1135378