Our Sunday Morning Service starts at 10:30am and on the last Sunday of each month during term time we also have a Messy Church which starts at 4pm.
We have a Junior Church for children aged 3 – 11 each week which takes place during our main service as well as a creche area for children aged 0 – 2 years.
On the 1st Sunday of each month we have an All Age Worship Service where children and adults join together to worship.
Our other activities include:
The Tuesday Fellowship features a collection of hymns, a brief talk from a guest speaker, prayers and a cup of tea and a biscuit to bring the whole afternoon to a wonderful close.
Tuesday Fellowship meets at 2:30pm every Tuesday.
The Girls Brigade is a christian movement specifically aimed at helping Girls to "discover what it means to experience and share 'life to the full', an expression Jesus used to explain what happens in our lives as we follow Him". For more information on the Girls Brigade click here.
Girls Brigade runs every Tuesday during term time and runs from 6pm til 7:30pm
If you enjoy doing knitting or other needle crafts and you enjoy a good natter while your doing it why not come along to knit and natter, where you can enjoy knitting, nattering or both!
Knit & Natter starts at 9:15am until 11:15am every other Wednesday and is followed by a lunch at 12 noon. For more information please Contact Us or see our calendar to see if Knit & Natter is on this week
2 pm – 4 pm The sewing club takes place every week during term time on a Wednesday in the Church. This is a friendly group, open to all. Everyone is engaged in their own projects with plenty of tea and lots of chat. No need to book, just come along with your craft project and join us.
Every 3rd Wednesday in the month at 7.30pm. We watch a different film each month. Admission is free and drinks and nibbles are available. Details will be posted on this website and in our weekly notices.
Brownies meet once a week during term time on a Thursday night from 6pm until 7:30pm. For more information on what the Brownies is all about click here
The Thursday Club are a group of ladies who meet each week in term time to have talks, demonstrations, power point presentations, own members talking about their holidays or something of interest and quizzes. They sometimes go out for the evening to places of interest, and they also have an annual meal.
The Thursday Club runs from 8pm. For more details please Contact Us
The fellowship meal is a great opportunity for people to come together and make new friends. It is held on the third Friday of the month at 6pm.
There is a selection of dishes available including a vegetarian option.
GDPR – the GDPR Contact for this church is Alan Joyce. If you have any concerns please ring Alan on 01536 710774.
Registered Charity no. 1135378